LM-ING 090-2022 | Analysis of locked dynamics in MAST-Upgrade / JET / AUG | Lidia PIRON | Lidia PIRON |
LM-ING 084-2022 | Measurement and control of DC current component in the MITICA Acceleration Grid Power Supply inverter system | Paolo BETTINI | Loris ZANOTTO |
LM-ING 083-2021 | Water chemistry definition for power plants cooling circuits | Piergiorgio SONATO | Claudia GASPARRINI |
LM-ING 081-2021 | High-frequency modelling of the Acceleration Grid Power Supply of SPIDER experiment | Paolo BETTINI | Alberto FERRO |
LM-ING 080-2021 | Investigation of intrinsic error fields in MAST-U device | Lidia PIRON | Lidia PIRON |
LM-ING 079-2021 | Selection of the most suitable technology for measuring the SPIDER experiment’s beam current | Nicolò MARCONATO | Nicolò MARCONATO |
LM-ING 076-2021 | Electromagnetic modelling and design of a multi gap solution for the passive stabilizing shell of Reversed Field Pinch experiments | Paolo BETTINI | Domenico ABATE |
LM-ING 075-2021 | Electromagnetic circuit modelling of RFP configuration in the RFX-mod2 experiment | Paolo BETTINI | Domenico ABATE |
LM-ING 074-2021 | Sviluppo e caratterizzazione delle sonde di campo magnetico locale per l’esperimento DTT / Development and characterization of local magnetic field probes for the DTT experiment | Nicolò MARCONATO | Nicolò MARCONATO |
LM-ING 073-2021 | Validazione sperimentale del modello numerico per lo sviluppo della linea di trasmissione del NBI del macchina sperimentale DTT / Experimental validation of the numerical model for the design of the NBI transmission line for the DTT experiment | Nicolò MARCONATO | Nicolò MARCONATO |
LM-ING 072-2021 | Sviluppo e progettazione degli schermi radiativi e sistema di raffreddamento di una grande pompa getter per SPIDER | Emanuele SARTORI | Emanuele SARTORI Marco SIRAGUSA |
LM-ING 068-2020 | Studies on the application of MMC technology to the Acceleration Grid Power Supply of the Neutral Beam Injector of DTT | Paolo BETTINI | Alberto FERRO Elena GAIO |
LM-ING 066-2020 | Study and modelling of a turbine-generator for the EU DEMO fusion power plant | Paolo BETTINI | Alberto FERRO Ferdinando GASPARINI |
LM-ING 065-2020 | Reconstruction of Negative Ion Beam Heat Flux profile on STRIKE by Neural Networks. | Gianluigi SERIANNI | Rita DELOGU Gianluigi SERIANNI |
LM-ING 064-2019 | Sviluppo di un materiale termicamente ortotropo per diagnostica termografica di fasci di particelle. | Piergiorgio SONATO | Mauro DALLA PALMA Roberto PASQUALOTTO |
LM-ING 061-2019 | Evaluation of Negative Ion Beam Heat Flux profile on STRIKE by Neural Networks | Paolo BETTINI | Rita DELOGU Gianluigi SERIANNI |
LM-ING 060-2019 | Thermo-hydraulic and integrated modelling in support of DEMO plant design. | Piergiorgio SONATO | Matteo ZAUPA Mauro DALLA PALMA |
LM-ING 057-2019 | Progetto elettrostatico e analisi strutturale dello schermo elettrostatico intermedio dell’esperimento MITICA | Giuseppe CHITARIN | Giuseppe CHITARIN |
LM-ING 056-2019 | Applicazione della tecnologia MMC agli alimentatori in alta tensione per iniettori di atomi neutri | Paolo BETTINI | Alberto FERRO Elena GAIO |